
“I alone can not change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to make many ripples” – Mother Teresa


S2S Facts take pride in hosting and supporting community events that encourage diversity, empower others, and inspire friendship.

@s2sfacts 3rd Annual USATF certified 5k Friendship Fun Run was an epic celebration.  WE salute all of the men and women for their military service; we appreciate your participation and support of the annual 5k Friendship Fun Run! #s2sinccommunity #s2sfactscommunity #peaceunitydiversity #FriendshipFunRun #USATF5k
S2S Facts Inc  EXCITING NEWS @followers  The Mayor and Council in Pooler Ga issued a Proclamation to declare July 30th " International Friendship Day " . S2S Facts, Inc.  was recognized on July 15th  as being instrumental in bringing awareness to this date meant to ignite peace, unity, diversity, and friendship. Our sponsors, supporters, and volunteers have played a huge role in the success of S2S FACTS Inc.'s 3rd Annual USATF certified 5k Friendship Fun Run! which allows us to serve communities. Special kudos to the one and only @trenchshooters for capturing this special occasion! #s2sfactscommunity #s2sfactsinc
A big thank you to @wildlyfe_beezy for having me on his show @e93radio broadcast! It was a pleasure to discuss the upcoming @s2sfacts 3rd Annual USATF Friendship Fun Run happening on July 27th at the Lighthouse Tanger Outlet. 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️

There’s still time to register – don’t miss out on the fun! 🏅
#S2SFacts #usatff Run #FriendshipFunRun #E93 #WildlifeBeezy #RegisterNow 
#s2sfactscommunity #s2sfriendshipfunrun
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